Practical Cataloguing (Chicago: Neal Schuman, 2012)

Practical Cataloguing: AACR2, RDA and MARC21. Chicago: Neal Schuman, 2012. ISBN-13 9781555707439; ISBN-10 1555707432.

After a small bidding war, Helen Carley at Facet sold the North American rights for Practical Cataloguing to Neal Schuman, who were based in New York. Subsequently they merged with ALA in Chicago. We retained the spelling of “Cataloguing” (as opposed to the American “Cataloging”) to indicate that this is a British-style text.


The key topics are, of course, identical to those in the Facet edition. On their website, Neal Schuman provide a fuller list of contents, including a useful list of the example records in Chapter 10:

  • Sample records for JH Bowman Essential cataloguing. London: Facet Publishing, 2007
  • Sample records for Derek Adams Unconcerned but not indifferent. Colchester: Ninth Arrondissement, 2006
  • Sample records for Pascale Petit The wounded deer. Huddersfield: Smith Doorstop, 2005
  • Sample records for Jasmine Ann Cooray Everything we don’t say. London: Tall Lighthouse, 2009
  • Sample records for Joanna Ezekiel Centuries of skin. Snitterfield: Ragged Raven, 2010
  • Sample records for Henry Charles Moore Noble deeds of the world’s heroines. London: Religious Tract Society, 1903
  • Sample records for W Carew Hazlitt (ed) The essays of Michel de Montaigne. London: George Bell & Sons, 1892 
  • Sample records for David Pearson Provenance research in book history: a handbook. London: British Library, 1998
  • Sample records for John H Ingram The poetical works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, from 1862 to 1844.London: Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, [18––]
  • Sample records for The Library of Babel, in and out of place, 25 February – 13 June 2010. London: Zabludowicz, 2010


“Particularly helpful are the “Practice Notes” liberally sprinkled throughout the work which address a variety of issues with putting RDA and FRBR into practice” – Suzanne M. Stauffer, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 51 (7), 2013.

“Especially refreshing is the realistic and practical approach that Welsh and Batley take in discussing the future implementation of RDA and how practising professionals can prepare.” – Laurel Tarulli, Library Review 61 (7), 2012.

“Readers in the United States will quickly recognize that the authors are based in the United Kingdom, both from the British spellings of ‘cataloguing’ and ‘colour,’ and from the wry humor that slips into the text. For example … access points are introduced with, ‘When confronted for the first time with the phrase “access points” you might think that you are being faced with a piece of modern cataloguing jargon. And you might be right'” – Sarah Quimby, Library Resources and Technical Services 57 (1), 2013.

Quotes from UK publications reviewing the British edition are clearly also relevant.


Neal Schuman provides a pdf sample of Chapter 1.


Writing Portfolio.
