
Table of books
Writing in the library
Cataloguing Today, Yesterday


Anne Welsh (1996). Women’s Studies: A Bibliography of Materials Held at St Deiniol’s Library. Hawarden: Monad. Abebooks UK search.

Anne Welsh and Sue Batley (2012). Practical Cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC21. London: Facet. Publisher wesite | Bookshop.org | Betterworld Books | Abebooks UK search.

Anne Welsh and Sue Batley (2012). Practical Cataloguing: AACR2, RDA and MARC21. Chicago: Neal Schuman. (American edition of Welsh and Batley). Publisher website| Betterworld Books | Abebooks search.

Sam Winston, Anne Welsh and Pietro Martini (2019). Monster Story, Orphan and A Child of Books: Archive. London: Arc, 2019. Limited edition of 8 copies.

Book Chapters

Anne Welsh (2006). ‘Directory Listings’, in Drug Problems: Where to get help. UK ed. London: DrugScope. Betterworld Books | Abebooks UK search.

Anne Welsh (2006). ‘Substance Abuse’, in Core Collection of Medical Books. 5th ed edited by Melanie Brocklehurst. London Tomlinsons. Abebooks UK search.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘Experiential Learning in Historical Bibliography’, in Ambassadors of the Book: Competences and Training for Heritage Librarians edited by Raphaele Mouren. Berlin: De Gruter, pp. 147-162. Publisher website | Google Books | Abebooks UK search.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘Historical Bibliography in the Digital World’, in Digital Humanities in Practice edited by Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras and Julianne Nyhan. London: Facet, pp. 139-165. Publisher website | Google Books | Bookshop.org | Betterworld Books.

Anne Welsh (2016). ‘”Expertise – Certification – Cultural Capital”: The Education of Librarians in the UK’, in Educating the Profession: 40 Years of the IFLA Section on Education and Training edited by Michael Seadle, Clara M. Chu, Ulrike Stöckel and Breanne Crumpton. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 47-67, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110375398-007 | Publisher website | Google Books | Betterworld Books.

Anne Welsh (2019). ‘Books About Books; Libraries About Libraries’ in From Small Beginnings. London: UCL, 2019, pp. 4-9.

Anne Welsh (2022). ‘Walter de la Mare’s Working Library’, in Walter de la Mare: Critical Appraisals edited by Yui Kajita, Angela Leighton and A.J. Nickerson. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022, pp. 273-288, https://doi.org/10.3828/liverpool/9781800854659.003.0030.

Anne Welsh and Charles Inskip (2015). ‘”Intellectual and Practical Knowing”: The Introduction of the Professional Knowledge and Skills Base at University College London’, in iConference 2015 Preliminary Results Papers, https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/73431.

Anne Welsh, Helen Williams and Celine Carty (2014). ‘”Mind the [Trans-Atlantic] Gap, Please”: Awareness and Training Need of UK Catalogers’, in Functional Future for Bibliographic Control: Transitioning into New Communities of Practice and Awareness edited by Shawne D. Miksa. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190-211. Publisher website | Bookshop.org | Google Books | Betterworld Books.


Nicola Austin and Anne Welsh (2021). ‘Discovery of Less: Interview with Chris Lovett’, APDO Blog, 12 November, https://www.apdo.co.uk/blog-discovery-of-less-chris-lovett.

Christine Goodair and Anne Welsh (2006). ‘The A-Team is Back in Demand’, Library & Information Update 5 (11): 25. Author’s manuscript, http://eprints.rclis.org/8737.

Elizabeth McCarthy, Anne Welsh and Sarah Wheale (2012). ‘Early Modern Oxford Bindings in 21st Century Markup’, Library Review 61 (8/9): 561-576. DOI: 10.1108/00242531211292079.

Willard McCarty, Julianne Nyhan, Anne Welsh and Jessica Salmon (2012). ‘Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: An Oral History Conversation Between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000134/000134.html.

Julianne Nyhan, Andrew Flinn and Anne Welsh (2012). ‘A Short Introduction to the Hidden Histories Project and Interviews’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000130/000130.html.

Julianne Nyhan, Andrew D. Flinn and Anne Welsh (2013). ‘Oral History and the Hidden Histories Project: Towards Histories of Computing in the Humanities’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 30 (1): 71-85, DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqt044.

Helen O’Neill, Anne Welsh, David A. Smith, Glenn Roe and Melissa Terras (2021). ‘Text Mining Mill: Computationally Detecting Influence in the Writings of John Stuart Mill from Library Records’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, online ahead of print 27 February 2021, https://academic.oup.com/dsh/advance-article/doi/10.1093/llc/fqab010/6153976; and open access at https://melissaterras.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/textminingmill_oneill_roe_smith_welsh_terras.pdf.

Ruth Rikowski and Anne Welsh (2010). ‘The Feminist Library in London’, Managing Information 16 (5): 65-71.

Geoffrey Rockwell, Julianne Nyhan, Anne Welsh and Jessica Salmon (2012). ‘Trading Stories: An Oral History Conversation Between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000135/000135.html.

Claire Ross, Melissa Terras, Claire Warwick and Anne Welsh (2011). ‘Enabled Back-channel: Conference Twitter Use by Digital Humanists’, Journal of Documentation 67 (2): 214-237. DOI: 10.1108/00220411111109449.

Harold Short, Julianne Nyhan, Anne Welsh, and Jessica Salmon (2012). ‘“Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It’s Not Going to Work”: An Oral History Conversation Between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000133/000133.html.

Ray Siemens, Anne Welsh, Julianne Nyhan and Jessica Salmon (2012). ‘Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an oral history conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000131/000131.html

Melissa Terras, James Baker, James Hetherington, David Beavan, Martin Zaltz Austwick, Anne Welsh, Helen O’Neill, Will Finley, Oliver Duke-Williams and Adam Farquhar (2018). ‘Enabling Complex Analysis of Large-scale Digital Collections: Humanities Research, High-Performance Computing, and Transforming Access to British Library Digital Collections’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33 (2): 456-466, DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqx020.

John Unsworth, Anne Welsh, Julianne Nyhan, and Jessica Salmon (2012). ‘Postmodern Culture and More: An Oral History Conversation Between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh’, Digital Humanities Quarterly 6 (3), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/6/3/000132/000132.html.

Anne Welsh (2006). ‘New Lamps for Old: Current Awareness and Profile-raising’, Libraries for Nursing Bulletin 26 (1-2): 65-75.

Anne Welsh (2007). ‘Internal Wikis for Procedures and Training: From Tacit Knowledge to Self-guided Learning’, Online 31: 26-29.

Anne Welsh (2008). ‘We Can Get You What You Want’, Library & Information Gazette 4-17 April: 13.

Anne Welsh (2011). ‘Teaching RDA in 2010-11’, Catalogue & Index 163: 5-8, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/CandI_163,_June_2011.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2013). ‘Teaching RDA in 2013-14: Flipping the Cat Class’, Catalogue & Index 173: 30-38,https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_and_Index_issue_173,_December_2013.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2015). ‘Metadata Output and the Researcher’, Catalogue & Index 178: 2-8, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_and_Index_issue_178,_March_2015.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2016). ‘”For the Bibliographers at UCL”: A Humument and the Lessons It Teaches 21st Century Librarians’, Art Libraries Journal 41 (4): 209-223, DOI: 10.1017/alj.2016.26

Anne Welsh (2016). ‘MarcEdit for Mac and the Rare Books Researcher’, Catalogue & Index 184: 2-13, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/catalogue_and_index_issue_184_september_2016.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2016). ‘The Rare Books Catalog and the Scholarly Database’, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 54 (5-6): 317-337, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2016.1188433.

Anne Welsh (2017). ‘From WEMI to WI to WII: FRBR, BIBFRAME and the 21st Century Bibliographic Model’, Catalogue & Index 186: 20-29, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_&_Index_issue_186,_March_2017.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2019). ‘How Much Is Too Much?: Keeping Up-to-date in Non-RDA Settings’, Catalogue & Index 196: 8-13, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/CI_196.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2019). ‘Plus ça change: Book Reviews and the Woman Writer’, IES London Blog, 24 July, https://englishstudies.blogs.sas.ac.uk/2019/07/24/plus-ca-change-book-reviews-and-the-woman-writer/.

Anne Welsh (2020). ‘Cataloguing Today, Yesterday’, Catalogue and Index 200: 16-19, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/0C44DCEE-84F7-4540-A5B6-716A05454B64/C&I200Welsh_Cataloguing_today_yesterday.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2020). ‘It Takes an Information Community to Raise a Business’, Information Today Europe eNews, 1 December, https://www.infotoday.eu/Articles/Editorial/Featured-Articles/It-Takes-an-Information-Community-to-Raise-a-Business-144061.aspx.

Anne Welsh (2020). ‘Serendipity Will Save Bookshops’, The Bookseller, 2 June, https://beginningcataloguing.com/publications/opinions/new-opinion-piece-in-the-bookseller/.

Anne Welsh (2020). ‘Unpacking Your Library: 10 Top Tips to Organise Your Bookshelves’, myVLF Blog, 3 September, https://beginningcataloguing.com/tidybeginnings/dealing-with-books-and-papers/unpacking-your-library/.

Anne Welsh (2021). ‘Find Your Flow and Choose Happy: Interview with Sarah Gregg’, APDO Blog, 8 September, https://www.apdo.co.uk/blog-210908-find-your-flow-and-choose-happy/.

Anne Welsh (2021). ‘Keeping the Conversation Going’, Reflections, julianofnorwich.org, 15 December, https://julianofnorwich.org/blogs/reflections/keeping-the-conversation-going ; reposted from The Friends of Julian of Norwich Newsletter, Christmas: 8-9, https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0075/6206/8079/files/Christmas_Newsletter_2021_-_hyperlinks_amended.pdf?v=1639574248.

Anne Welsh (2022). ‘Cataloging News’, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 60(2): 214-224, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2022.2033372.

Anne Welsh (2022). ‘Cataloging News’, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 60(3-4): 334-353, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2022.2079791.

Anne Welsh (2022). ‘Cataloguing Matters’, Catalogue and Index 205: 12-17, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/C5632899-ECE6-473A-A616-20AF8C7D33C6/C&I205_Welsh_Cataloguing_Matters.pdf .

Anne Welsh (2023). ‘Cataloging News’, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 61(3-4): 395-406, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2023.2224788.

Anne Welsh (2023). ‘News from the RDA Steering Committee (RSC)’, IFLA Metadata Newsletter 9(1): 16-19, https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/2716.

Anne Welsh (2024). ‘News from the RDA Steering Committee (RSC)’, IFLA Metadata Newsletter 10(1): 20-24, https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/3447

Anne Welsh and Nicola Austin (2021). ‘Thank You [to APDO Book Club Founders Sarah Howley and Mel Carruthers]’, APDO Monthly Bulletin July 2021, https://www.apdo.co.uk/member-resource-hub/membership-information/monthly-bulletins/ [available only to members].

Anne Welsh, Antonis Bikakis, Natalia Garea Garcia, Simon Mahony, Charles Inskip, and Mira Vogel (2015). ‘Work in Progress: the Linked Open Bibliographic Data Project’, Catalogue & Index 178: 15-19, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_and_Index_issue_178,_March_2015.pdf.

Anne Welsh, Celine Carty and Helen Williams (2012). ‘“Mind the [Trans-Atlantic] Gap, Please”: Awareness and Training Needs of UK Catalogers’, Journal of Library Metadata 12 (2-3): 242-263 DOI: 10.1080/19386389.2012.699854.

Anne Welsh and Gail Chester (2007). ‘From Herstory to Ourstory: The Feminist Library’, Hags, Harlots, Heroines, 3 July, http://hagsharlotsheroines.blogspot.com/2007/07/from-herstory-to-ourstory-feminist.html.

Anne Welsh and Christine Goodair (2007). ‘Blogging for Networking and Outreach’, IFMH Inform 18 (1): 8-10.

Anne Welsh and Christine Goodair (2008). ‘Information Retrieval and Terminology’, Addiction 103 (4): 695. DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02150.x.

Anne Welsh and Penny Robertson (2007). ‘I Am Cataloguer, Hear Me Roar!’, Library & Information Update, 6 (1-2): 30-33.

Anne Welsh and Katharine Whaite (2012). ‘Our Hybrid History and Its Lessons for Today’, Catalogue and Index 169: 5-9, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_and_Index_issue_169,_December_2012.pdf.

Anne Welsh and Jenny Wood (2009). ‘Remote but also In-house: Providing Information to Moorfields Eye Hospital’, Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 9 (3): 318-324, DOI: 10.1080/15323260903015699.

Anne Welsh and Jenny Wright (2016). ‘RDA for Acquisitions Staff’, Taking Stock 24(2): 14-16.

Book Reviews

Sarah Howley, Anne Welsh and Nicola Austin (2021). ‘APDO Book Club Reads 2021’, APDO Blog, 4 August, https://www.apdo.co.uk/blog-210804-apdo-book-club-reads-2021.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘[Review of] Alison Cullingford, The Special Collections Handbook‘, Rare Books Newsletter 93: [15-16], https://archive.cilip.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/rbn%2093.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘[Review of] Broken Pieces: A Library Life, 1941–1978. By Michael Gorman. Pp. 232, ill. Chicago: American Library Association. 2011. $35.00. ISBN: 9780838911044′, Library & Information History 28 (2): 154-155, DOI: 10.1179/1758348912Z.00000000004.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘[Review of] David Pearson, Books as History: The Importance of Books Beyond Their Texts‘, Rare Books Newsletter 91: 10-11, https://archive.cilip.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/rbscg%20newsletter%2091%20%28special%20issue%29.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2012). ‘Information History in the Modern World: Histories of the Information Age, ed. by Toni Weller. Rare Books Newsletter 92: 26-27′, https://archive.cilip.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/RBN%2092.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2017). ‘Book Review: The Card Catalog: Books, Cards, and Literary Treasures by The Library of Congress. San Francisco: Chronicle, 2017. 224 pages, ISBN 9781452145402′, Catalogue & Index 189: 57, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/catalogue_and_index_issue_189_december_2017.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2017). ‘Book Review: Metadata: Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web by Richard Gartner. Switzerland: Springer, 2016. viii, 114 pages, ISBN 9783319408910 (paperback), 9783319408934 (ebook)’, Catalogue & Index 186: 39, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/F71F19C3-49CF-462D-8165-B07967EE07F0/Catalogue_&_Index_issue_186,_March_2017.pdf.

Anne Welsh (2021). ‘Book Review: McLeish, Simon (2020, ed.) Resource Discovery for the Twenty-First Century Library. London: Facet. xxxii, 203 p. ISBN 9781783301386′, Catalogue & Index 202: 57-58, https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.cilip.org.uk/resource/collection/CC45A47F-BE48-4BA1-B6D4-25BF10F1BC41/C&I_202.pdf.

Some academic output is also listed publicly via ORCID.

Page last updated 11 July 2024.
