As shared with our newsletter subscribers yesterday, Ash Green’s first Beginning Cataloguing workshop is open for booking.
Join Ash for 2 hours of interactive learning through play using the Pocket Code app and a prototype game to explore the potential for gamifying learning about your library’s classification structure to help users learn it.
Workshop Curriculum
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Relevance of Digital Classification Games
1.3. Introduction to Pocket Code
1.4. Hands-on session with Pocket Code
1.5. Discussion and Further Ideas
Prerequisities for participants
This workshop will introduce the idea of creating a simple prototype classification game based upon a pre-made template, and will give participants the opportunity to adapt the game using an Android or Apple phone during the session. To do this, participants should download the Pocket Code app and prototype game in advance of the session and ensure that both are working on your device. Details are provided on the curriculum pages after signing up for the workshop.
It is possible to participate in the workshop without downloading the app or game, but participants who have downloaded the app and game will gain a greater understanding of how it works in the hands-on section of the workshop.
The workshop will be run live over Zoom. The link to the Zoom session will be posted in the curriculum pages prior to the start of the workshop. Please ensure that you have access to Zoom in advance of the workshop. It can be accessed via a web browser or via the app.