Currently Booking: Bibliography, eBooks and Masterclass Recordings

Screenshot of our courses on 29 May.

It just occurred to me that while we’re still working on the format for our newsletter and, not wanting to overwhelm the excellent LIS-UKBIBS mailing list with too many emails, it might be useful to provide you with a snapshot of what’s currently open for booking on the Beginning Cataloguing Online School, and provide you with a sneaky peek of what’s under development and coming soon:

Summer Masterclasses with Concetta La Spada

The final one of these takes place on 10 August. It’s on Beginning Cataloguing eBooks, and will include an announcement from Concetta of her plans going forward. We’re excited, and we already know what the plans are! Also available are recordings of:

Beginning Bibliography

Our August online class, Beginning Bibliography, co-taught by Anne Welsh and Yvonne Lewis, begins on Monday, with the release of the first unit of materials. It’s designed for asynchronous teaching and learning, and unlike Beginning Bibliographic Models won’t be coming down for a refresh. It’s long been a dream that there should be such a course available for people so that at the point their Masters or PhD supervisor says, “You need to get to grips with bibliographic description,” they can sign up – even if it’s 3am on a Sunday morning. At the request of a couple of registered participants, we’re looking into providing on-request one-to-one tutorials for an extra fee. (Need to work out how to do scheduling for that on the technical end of the Teachable software, which is on the To Do List for next week). The cost is £200 plus VAT and will stay that price until such time as we have to raise our hourly rates generally. There is a scholarship for a member of the Independent Libraries Association, and we’re very grateful to their committee for administering it.

Beginning Bibliographic Models

Due to busy-ness, we’ve not disabled registration for this at the reduced price of £75 plus VAT, and decided, therefore, to extend the offer to close of play on Friday. After that, it will come down for a refresh before being offered at full price in the Autumn. Registered participants will still have access to materials. Part of the reason for the half-price offer was that we knew in getting used to software and recording equipment there might be some technical glitches, and we’re grateful to participants for their feedback.

Coming soon …

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted the “Currently under development” section of our Prices page. “Why is it on that page?” you may well ask, and the answer is that some Library Manager colleagues have told me that when a staff member asks for funding for a course they find it convenient to see the range offered by a provider when they are making the decision on the spend from their training budget. So, for example, a manager can easily see that someone asking to do Beginning Bibliography might as well or instead ask for money for Beginning Cataloguing Rare Books, and can also see that there are free short videos coming on-stream.

In any case, here’s what we have under development in the Beginning Cataloguing potting shed* right now:

  • Beginning Cataloguing Rare Books. Taught by Anne Welsh, September 2020. Further details coming soon.
  • Beginning Book History. A monthly seminar series with Anne Welsh, Yvonne Lewis and invited speakers. Further details coming soon.
  • Beginning Cataloguing in AACR2. Taught by Anne Welsh, November 2020. Further details coming soon.
  • Bitesized Beginnings. Free short presentations, including the introductions to our courses and updates to the videos on Anne Welsh’s old YouTube channel. Further details coming very soon.

* ‘If you have a garden in your library, we will want for nothing.’

Cicero to Varro

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